District-Wide Safety Measures
- Bullying
- Lockdown Drills
- Cyber Safety
- Emergency Management
- Fire Drills
- K9 Activity
- Earthquake Drills
What is Bullying?
Bullying is defined as any severe, systematic, or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct that causes pain or psychological distress on one or more students.
Bullying includes unwanted written, verbal, nonverbal, or physical behavior including, but not limited to, any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture by a student or adult that causes any reasonable person to experience a detrimental effect on his or her physical or mental health and that has the potential to create a negative educational environment; unreasonably interferes with the individual's school performance or participation, is carried out repeatedly and is often characterized by an imbalance of power.
Types of Bullying
Physical Bullying
Harming someone's body or possessions.
This may include:
- Hitting/kicking/pinching
- Spitting
- Tripping/pushing
- Taking or breaking someone's things
- Making mean or rude hand gestures
Verbal Bullying
Damaging someone's self-esteem or feelings of safety.
This may include:
- Teasing
- Name-calling
- Inappropriate sexual comments
- Taunting
- Threatening to cause harm
Social Bullying
Negatively impacting someone's reputation or relationships.
This may include:
- Leaving someone out on purpose
- Telling others not to be friends with someone
- Spreading rumors about someone
- Embarrassing someone in public
Bullying that takes place using electronic technology.
Electronic technology includes:
- Device and equipment- cell phones, computers, tablets
- Communication tools- social media sites, text messages, chat, websites
What is Bullying and How to Report it - English
What is Bullying and How to Report it - Spanish
5 Ways to Report Bullying
Tell a staff member at the school (teacher, counselor, assistant principal, principal)
Fill out a bullying report form (ONLINE), which is accessible via all Chromebooks
Scan the QR code on the "Be an Upstander" bullying card
Call Student Services at (951) 571-7630
For anonymous community reporting, call WeTip at 1- (800) 782-7463
- Stop Bullying.gov
- What Bullying Is and Bullying Isn't
- Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center
- Cyberbullying Warning Signs
- Kaiser Permanente Tools and Videos
- NationwideChildrens.org: Bullying Information for Parents
- Stomp Bullying Out
- Cyberbullying Research Center
- Common Sense Media
- What Is Cyberbullying?
- Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety
- Technology Use Contract
- National Crime Prevention Council
- Guide To Preventing Cyberbullying
- How to talk with kids about online meanness and cyberbullying
Rethink App: Uses filtering technology to flag offensive content
Puresight App: Filters and monitors content on internet applications, prevents cyberbullying by alerting parents of verbal violence
- American Psychological Association- Tips for Supporting Students Experiencing Bullying
- Get Digital: Bullying Prevention Collection - Resource to teach key social and emotional learning skills
- Bullying Prevention in PBIS
- Preventing and Addressing Cyberbullying for Teachers
- What Bullying Is and Bullying Isn't
- Bus Drivers and Bullying Prevention
- Stop Bullying.gov
- PACER-National Bullying Prevention Center
- International Bullying Prevention Association
- Cyber Bullying Research Center
- Common Sense Media
- Stomp Out Bullying
- Anti Defamation League- No Place for Hate
- GSA Network
- DrugReHab.com – Bullying and Substance Abuse
- How Can We Empower Students to Seek Support?– Written by Kristina Lopez, RMCC ABI Student Ambassador
Presentations from RMCC Professional Development
- Judy French, PACER, Creating a World Without Bullying – Webinar & PowerPoint
- Anthony Eftimeo, GLSEN, Tolerance & Acceptance of Race, Gender Expression, Religion and Sexual Orientation – PowerPoint
- Anthony Eftimeo, ADL, A World of Difference – PowerPoint
- Sue Thotz, Common Sense Media, Teaching Digital Citizenship – PowerPoint
- Dr. Chappell, CSUF Educator, Gender Diversity and LGBTQ Inclusion in K-12 Schools – PowerPoint
- Jessica Fuller, Educator, Kindness is Cool – PowerPoint
- Joe Antonelli, Administrator, What is Bullying & How to Prevent It- PowerPoint
- Dr. Jacqueline Gustafson, Dean of CBSS/CBU, Empathy vs. Sympathy- PowerPoint, Under The Surface Video, Empathy Video, Empathy vs. Sympathy Video, Wonder Video
- Judy French, Pacer – Create a World Without Bullying – Take 30 Webinar & PowerPoint
- Anthony Eftimeo- Allyship in Action – Take 30 Webinar & PowerPoint
- Dr. Carrie Hastings- Identifying Signs of Mental/Emotional Distress among Athletes…and Next Steps- Take 30 Webinar & PowerPoint
- Rebecca Antillon- Know the Signs: Suicide Prevention- Webinar & PowerPoint
- Janna Peterson- The Importance and Benefits of Play During Childhood Development- Webinar & PowerPoint
- Dr. Debi Rozeski- How Miniature Horses Create Positive Relationships and Promote Positive Behavioural Changes in Humans- Webinar & Powerpoint
- Dat Yoga Dude- Virtual Yoga Class- Webinar
- American Psychological Association
- Anti-bullying Institute
- Kids Health
- National Bullying Prevention Center
- National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
- National Crime Prevention Council
- Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety
- Peace Builders
- Prevent Bullying
- The Bully Project
- We Tip Hotline: 1-855-86– BULLY
Anxiety, Depression and More
- Teen Health Services Handout
- Teen’s Health
- GirlsHealth.gov– Dealing With Your Feelings
- Center for Young Women’s Health– Emotional Health
- Center for Young Men’s Health– Emotional Health
- One Love Foundation– Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships
- LoveIsRespect.org
- TheHotline.org
- Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center
- Know The Signs– Suicide Prevention
- You are Worthy. – Written by Kristina Lopez, RMCC ABI Student Ambassador
Lockdown Drills
Cyber Safety
Emergency Management
Emergency Management and Safety Plans
We are dedicated to creating a safe space for learning at all schools. Each school has developed a comprehensive Safety Plan which contains emergency procedures. The Safety Plans are updated on an annual basis and can be accessed in each school’s front office. Each classroom and office contains a quick-reference guide called the “Emergency Procedures Guide” for a variety of emergency situations.