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Transition Services to Students

Transition Services to Students

Interest Inventories

The school staff and transition team lead various activities with students to assist them in identifying their strengths and weaknesses.  Inventories vary by grade level and program.  Several free online interest inventories have been posted on our Assessment Tools page. 

Career Awareness

Students are encouraged to use their completed interest and skill inventories to explore correlating careers.  In addition, the WorkAbility Career Awareness Program is infused into the special education curriculum and designed to give students information and experience related to planning for the future.

Career & Community Speakers

Speakers from community businesses and programs come to the campuses in order to present the world of work and community that students might experience as they transition to high school and into adult life.

Advocacy Training

Students with disabilities should understand the laws that protect them and help them achieve their academic goals.  Students are given explicit instruction in self advocacy and the ability to identify and explain one's needs throughout the transition program.

Student Run - School Based Businesses

WorkAbility has assisted with setting up several school based businesses in MVUSD middle schools and in the Adult ACTION Program housed at March Mountain High School.  Businesses vary and include a student store, catering, and coffee cart.  Businesses are operated by students, giving them valuable insight into the world of work.

High School Visitations

High School visitations bring middle school students and high school personnel together to introduce the curriculum and requirements of high school as well as the expectations for the high school campus.

Career/College Fair

Students have opportunities to attend career and life skill workshops, career rallies, and hear messages from guest speakers through the Career Technical Education Department.

Job Placement

WorkAbility Job Developers visit high school campuses and assist students with placement at affiliate businesses within the community. Students are placed in the community for 55-hours earning minimum wage. Placements are made from career interest survey results, informal interviews, and completion of WorkAbility training requirements.

Skills For Success

This is a course offering students the opportunity to improve skills necessary for success in high school and in the world of work.  Through instruction and guided practice, students learn and improve skills in the following areas:  organization and time management, interpersonal relationships, clarification of personal values, decision-making and problem-solving, stress management, critical thinking, and study habits, and test-taking strategies.  Opportunities for career awareness and exploration are also provided.

Job Exploration Study Tours

  • Local Businesses: Special Education teachers are invited to take their students on trips into the community to visit businesses and post-high school training programs. WorkAbility encourages pre, during, and post tour activities.
  • Moreno Valley College: Special Education students are invited to tour the Moreno Valley College Disabled Student Services department. The Office of Disabled Student Services (DSS) provides services to students with documented disabilities who request such services. These offices facilitate and encourage academic achievement, independence, self-advocacy and social inclusion for students with documented disabilities in eight primary disability groups as outlined in California’s Title V Regulations (Acquired Brain Injury, Physical Disabilities, Hearing Impairments, Learning Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities, Psychological Disabilities, Other Health Impairments, and Temporary Disabilities). Students observe a presentation on DSS's services and tour career technical education programs located on the MorenoValley campus.
  • Job Corps: Special Education students are invited to an orientation and tour the Inland Empire Job Corps facility. Job Corps is a no-cost education and vocational training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 through 24 get paid job training.  Each Job Corps center is unique. They all, however, feature campus-like settings with dormitories where students learn independent living skills.