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Equity and Categorical Programs

Department Overview

The Equity and Access Department works to provide needed fiscal support to school sites primarily through the use of Title I and other federal funds. The funding supports student academic and behavioral interventions. The district receives approximately $12 million dollars in federal funding. Funding is used to provide additional counseling support, behavior intervention support, intervention teachers, tutoring services, instructional assistants, academic administrators, support for homeless and foster students and parent engagement activities. Parent engagement is an important component of Equity and Access.

A focus for the department is engaging African American parents. The African American Parent Involvement Specialist works to support African American parents in a variety of ways including monthly meetings, Black History Events and supporting school site African American Parent Advisory Councils (AAPACs). In addition to supporting African American students and community, Equity and Access strives to create a community which embraces diversity and inclusion by promoting culturally proficient pedagogy and multicultural events throughout the year.

The department also provides services and support in the following areas:

Our Team

Latoysha Brown


Maria Lozano

Career Development Facilitator

Lizeth Murga

Clerk Typist II

Rosa Murga

Account Clerk III

Valerie Valencia

Secretary III