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Maintenance and Operations

Anthony Pipkins, Director
Anthony Pipkins
 Director III
Maintenance and Operations




Heather Sandoval
Secretary III
Ext. 17905


Department Overview

Our vision is to create a positive atmosphere by providing a clean, safe atmosphere where our community, students, and staff can thrive, one service at a time.  Some of the ways we do this are:

  • Ensuring that schools, departments, and offices are cleaned regularly and above and beyond standard protocols.  
  • Quickly responding to any and all maintenance issues and resolving these in a timely manner, including after hours emergencies. 
  • Maintaining and beautifying the grounds of our school and department sites, including preparing for games and other events. 
  • Keeping our sites secure by establishing that our telephones, school and site fire and intrusion alarms and bells are operational and in good condition.
  • Investigating energy savings solutions and applying them within the District.  Examining ways to further economize on energy consumption by communicating with administrators and staff and educating students regarding energy saving tactics. Monitoring and comparing utility bills to document progress made with regards to energy conservation.  Motivating Staff members and students by positive reinforcement and teaching assemblies.
  • Providing support for internal and external groups who wish to utilize our facilities for events.
  • Ensuring that any HVAC systems in the District are running efficiently and cleanly.  Changing out HEPA air filters approximately every 3 months to ensure clean filtered air in the classrooms and offices.

Management Team

Ryan Beckham

Facilities Planner

Seaburn Boone

Supervisor III-M & O

Michael Cox

Energy Specialist

Bennie Harold

Supervisor I - Custodial Supv.

Michael Inman

Supervisor IV-Maint & Op

Moises Montejano

Facilities & Events Manager

Jolynn Neal

Supervisor III-M & O

Anthony Pipkins

Director III-Maint & Operation

LaQuisha Pritchard

Supervisor I - Custodial Supv.

Office Staff

Sonia Harguindeguy

Use of Facilities Clerk

Rochelle Jones

Clerk Typist II

Heather Sandoval

Secretary III

Karen Vogel

Clerk Typist II