There are many ways a business can support an MVUSD school:
- Participating in school events to show appreciation for student and staff work
- Volunteering on Career Day to talk with classes about owning and operating a business
- Making a donation of funds or equipment
- Inviting students to perform at company functions where appropriate
- Advertising your support for the school and displaying an Adopt-a-School certificate, banner or student work at your business.
1. Participate in a formal adoption ceremony
2. Advertise that you have adopted a school by displaying a certificate, banner or student work in your place of business
3. Attend assemblies and shake hands of students as you congratulate them for their accomplishment
4. Participate in either Open House, Staff Appreciation Weeks by showing the staff that your business appreciates their contributions (card, business marketing mug or pencil etc.)
5. Volunteer on Career Day by sharing your personal career journey or business
6. Read to students or allow students to read to you once a quarter
7. Attend an athletic event, school talent show or portfolio presentation
8. Allow students to write to you for authentic purposeful letter writing
9. Allow student performers to perform at company functions where appropriate
10. Judge various competitions such as speech contests, talent shows, academic competitions
11. Participate in an annual school tour
12. Provide Back-to-School support according to your commitment level (a greeter to supplies)
13. Speak favorably about your school and the staff
14. Write about your positive experiences to the local newspaper
15. Allow the school to celebrate your support through their school newspapers